Restorative dentistry in Szeged

“I have a terrible tooth ache, pull it out, please!”

“I’ll bring my forceps,” – said many dentists not even too long ago. “Let’s keep it as long as we can.” This is how restorative dentists reply today.

Restorative dentistry = treatments aiming at retaining natural teeth in the mouth.

Pain therapy

Most dental problems present with pain. Most pains are caused by tooth decay. The first step of pain therapy is to determine the extent of damage caused by decay. We assess the sensitivity of the tooth to cold to see if it is alive. Based on this test, your dentist can decide if it is enough to fill in the tooth or you require a more serious intervention, root canal treatment.

Fillings, inlays

Restorative dentistry can make good use of modern composite filling materials, because they allow dentists to make tooth-coloured (white) aesthetic fillings. Dentists can also fabricate ceramic or gold inlays, which are prepared in the dental technician’s lab using the model made by the dentist. If the inlay fits perfectly, it is cemented into the tooth by your dentist. Gold inlays provide a perfect seal around the edges. Composite fillings and inlays attach to the tooth through chemical bound, compared to amalgam fillings, which are impacted as a result of physical force. With modern materials dentists can make invisible fillings. These materials are tooth-coloured and they can be polished easily. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic use the best materials applying state-of-the-art methods.

Root canal treatment at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic

Endodontics is a dental specialty which deals with the root canals and the diseases of the pulp, the innermost part of the tooth. The most common endodontic intervention is root canal treatment. The tooth is opened and examined with X-ray and other special devices, such as a root canal metre. Then the canal is cleaned and filled with medicine and a temporary filling. If the tooth is free of complaints, a permanent filling is placed. In many cases root canal treatment is the only method to save a natural tooth. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic are committed to preserving their patients’ teeth as long as it is possible.